Welcome to our Unity Studios Art, Music, Drama & Creative Writing Online Showcase for 2024 in our new space!
Please enjoy our virtual showcase presentation and feel free to share the link with friends, families, aunties, uncles, grandma, grandpas etc. so we can support and celebrate our mentees.
~ The team at Unity Studios
“Putting the Unity in CommUNITY”
Our Art sessions currently run Tuesday and Thursday.
- Primary 5:30pm
- Secondary – Adult 6:30pm
Congratulations to all our artists at Unity Studios for their amazing work.
A special thanks to Emma Gordon for her original music used to compliment our Teens – Young Adults – Adults Art Showcase & Slade Watkinson for his original music to compliment our Primary Art Showcase.
If you’d like to know more about our Art program at our studio or online, visit our website https://unitystudios.com.au/intro-offers/unity-art-primary/
If you would like to chat about our programs, please book an obligation free consultation – https://unitystudiosbooking.as.me
Music: ukulele/guitar, keyboard, voice & music/video production
We run group and 1:1 music sessions at our Penrith Studio and Online.
While all the programs at Unity Studios are essential for bringing our programming to life, music is definitely the lifeblood of our studio. Our mentors across the range of our programs either mentor other musicians, are mentored by other mentors or just plain love music.
Here is a selection of video submissions from our musical mentees and mentors for your enjoyment.
We would love to highlight Joey’s Showcase submission!
Joey joins us online as he lives out of the Penrith area. We would like to highlight Joey’s work as a standout piece as his submission relates to Art, Skill Building, Drama & Music. It is a powerful example of creativity combining to produce something wonderful!
If you are interested in more information about ay of our programs, please click the link to book an obligation free consultation – https://unitystudiosbooking.as.me
Drama: The Art of Voice & Movement
We run Teens – Young Adults – Adults Drama sessions weekly Monday 5pm – 6pm.
We run Primary sessions through the school holidays and would like to see the return of our weekly drama group from Term 4 2024.
Skill Building
Thank you for coming along to our online showcase!
We look forward to seeing you in one of our sessions or at our studios showcase coming up late November. Details to come.
We hope you enjoyed viewing the Unity Studios Virtual Showcase for 2024!
~ Cass Jensen and the team at Unity Studios