Gaming Unplugged has arrived at the Lower Mountains Neighbourhood Centre! Every Friday through the school term, from 3 to 5pm, kids aged from 9-19 have the opportunity to play their favourite board games with like minded friends and peers.
The ‘unplugged’ component of the program of course means no devices or screens. This means strictly the good old fashioned technology of cardboard and dice, paper money, mystery cards, tokens, spinners and an array of pieces of all shapes and sizes – but with plenty of strategy, tactics (use of the grey matter!) and fun thrown in.
If you are a nostalgic parent who wants your child to play the ‘old’ way (with the added bonus of getting them out of the house and socialising with other kids), or have a child who’s siblings won’t play board games with them at home (our issue!) then Gaming Unplugged is for you. We have all the old classics to the latest trends, with over 35 games to choose from, and for all age groups. You can even have your child bring in their own game, so feel free to encourage this if their favourite is not on the list below (playing subject to a quick supervisor check of the content naturally).
For the creative kids (and future board game designers) there is also an option to make and play their own game.
We feel the timing of the program is convenient straight after the primary school pickup and also enough time for the high school kids to get there for a good hour and a half of play before home for dinner.
Afternoon tea is provided, and all for a cost of $20 a term. New kids can have a trial for the first session to decide if it’s for them. You can also join mid term, just paying the balance for the number of weeks left.
If you want to know more or have any questions at all please call Gavin on 0447 752 111 or simply turn up on the day with your child to check it out.
We are located in the Sharon Burridge Hall, at the Lower Mountains Neighbourhood centre (where Blaxland Library is), 33 Hope Street, Blaxland. Parking is available off Short Street.
Current Games include: Rise to Power, Coup, Jaipur, Quantum, Brass, Star Wars – Outer Rim, Pandemic – the cure, Keyforge, Dice throne, Tic tax two, Scrabble, UNO, Monopoly junior, Monopoly cheaters edition, Payday, Chess (American Civil War, Harry Potter and Traditional versions), Lord of the Rings, Soccer Dice, Bounce off, Catch phrase, Panic Attack, Kingdom Quest, Star Wars Guessing Game, Head Banz, Twenty questions, Cranium, Dominos, Pick up sticks, Jack straws, What’s the Word, Say what you See, Luck plus, Ratuki & Quoit.