Using Apps to stay organised at school:
Homework, assignments, tests and exams. It can all get a bit overwhelming at times, especially towards theend of term.
Here at Unity Studios, we know that our students work hard keeping track of everything throughout the year and we have many different tools to assist you with this. Using one of the apps below is just another option available, which may be more suited to some students or helpful to use in conjunction with existing tools.
The Homework App
myHomework Student Planner
Class Timetable
My Study Life
All four apps are simple to use and can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Google Play store. You can buy an upgrade for each, which gives you access to features such as notifications and the ability to attach a photo to a task. I like this feature, as how many times are we rushing around trying to find the assignment before we can even start.
I have downloaded each app on my phone and had a quick play around. myHomework Student Planner seems great for younger students that just need help recording their timetable and assignments. My Study Life may be more helpful for Senior students as it has greater features and customisation. Everyone has their own way of keeping track of things, so the 4 apps are a good selection of what is available and it is just a matter of working out which one suits you best.
Happy organising!
The Homework App: (Available on iPhone and iPad only)
- This is a popular basic option for younger students
- Upgrade available for Boost Subscription for $8.99USD per year
- The upgrade allows you to attach photos of your assignment (or anything else) to the task
- On the front screen all logged tasks are listed and the number of days till they are due
- You can then click on each task to see the detail
MyHomework Student Planner: (Available on iPhone, iPad and Andriod)
- This is simple to use like The Homework App but has more customisation options
- Upgrade to a premium myHomework account for $4.99USD per year
- The upgrade also allows you to attach photos of your assignment to the task
- You can enter your timetable – and it accommodates timetables with alternating weeks A and B
- You can filter homework by class, priority and type
Class Timetable: (Available on iPhone, iPad and Android)
- This one is very simplistic and is focussed on your timetable, listing it by day. It can record timetable weeks A. B, C and D
- Upgrade to the ‘pro’ version for $1.99USD per year
- The upgrade allows timetable export, task reminders and class notifications
- There is a task screen that simply puts them in order of due date
- You can then click on each task to see the detail
My Study Life: (Available on iPhone and Android)
- This has more features than the others but still simple to use. Perhaps more suited to Senior students
- The dashboard view gives you an overview of your day – classes, exams and incomplete tasks that are due soon.
- You design how the dashboard looks
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